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V/President Office

Official Structure

The office of the Vice President

Since the vice president is accountable to the president and he is in charge of directing the overall teaching-learning activities, the office maintains a regular follow-up of different activities like that of:-

  • Research issues of the college;
  • Activities of the academic staff;
  • The initiation and development of relevant strategic policies, guidelines usable to manage the overall teaching and learning;
  • The periodic and/or continuous academic and research staff development;
  • The assuring the productive linkage and relevance of teaching and learning of teaching and learning with the overall national objectives and social needs;
  • Creating and maintaining of conducive environment in the college for teaching and learning;


Belayun Tinsaye Vice President
  •  Monitoring and follow-up the proper implementation of all teaching and learning activities and; and
  • The office also carries out other duties entrusted on him by the president.